The Last Checkered Flag - George Meyers

As you may have heard, George Meyers (standing next his son John) died on April 21, 2009. He had suffered from Parkinson’s for a few years but he had a melanoma on his face that “got away” and went into the sinus and brain.

I went to the funeral which was held in LaCrecenta at St. Bede Catholic Church. A good number of people attended along with a few auto enthusiasts that knew him from the Allard Days. I gave a short talk about how I met him in 1987 and got him into vintage racing with his beloved K-2 that he owned since 1960. I figured from my records that he must have participated in about 100 events since 1987. Riverside first and then Palm Springs several times. He loved being invited to the Monterey Historics; especially in 1990 when Allard was featured

As long as I have known him, I never asked him about his Korean War experience. I knew that he was a Master Sergeant with the Army and that he was in combat, but I never got around to talking to him about it. His son, John said he didn’t say much, but had written a few chapters of a book that he wanted to get out. I hope to read it someday.

I found out at the funeral that he was with K Co., 23rd Reg. ,2nd Army during late l951 to late l952 (war stopped in May l953) and was involved in heavy fighting above the 38th. I am reading a book about the Korean War called “the Coldest Winter” and his regiment is mentioned many times. Opportunity passed and I wish I could have asked him about all of this

Anyway, I am glad to have been a friend and met his wonderful family. His son John, is going to continue to race the K2 and I hope to be able to run with him again.

-Jim Degnan