Allards at The Hilton Head Motoring Festival

Words by Jed Rapoport / Photos by David Carte

November 2-4, 2018 marked a gathering of Allard Owners in the USA. The occasion was the Hilton Head Motoring Festival and Concours on the island of Hilton Head, South Carolina. The event was doing a feature display of Allards all weekend and A.O.C. member Jere Krieg coordinated with Club members to facilitate participation as a group.

The weekend officially kicked-off with a dinner, arranged by Jere, Friday evening at a local restaurant for all A.O.C. members and their guests who wished to attend. Approximately 30 members, spouses and guests attended what turned out to be a wonderful chance to eat, drink and talk cars.

Saturday was the club day of the Motoring festival. Over 20 different automobile clubs would have cars on display. Clubs were expected to arrive during set time slots to keep traffic moving efficiently. More than a half dozen of the Allards departed the trailer parking lot together and made for a rare sight as they paraded in the early morning chill the couple miles to the show field.

In total, an impressive array of 13 Allards, representing most of the US sold models and then some from model M to Palm Beach, where lined-up under beautiful blue skies representing the A.O.C. Jim Netterstrom’s 1954 J2X was awarded as the best Allard on display. Several other Allards received special awards including the K2 of Pete Zimmerman of Virginia who drove his car five hours each way to participate in the weekend. His demonstration of commitment to driving his Allard is worthy of accolades. Other cars given honors were the 1948 Model L of Terrell Underwood, the ’48 Model M1 of Frank Rubino and the ’51 K2 of Peter Bowman.

The planets aligned on Saturday for the rare convergence of having four K2’s present at one event, which were dutifully posed for a photograph.

Sunday was Concours day and Allard was a separate class at this year’s event. 12 cars participated with 7 of them being judged. The K3 of Brad & Kathy Marsland of Ontario, Canada won the class.  Other award winners included the ’48 M1 of Frank Rubino and the ’52 J2X of John & Susan Barrett.

Unfortunately, the lovely blue skies and warm temperatures that greeted all participants Sunday morning transitioned to chilly rain by later in the afternoon. Just before the precipitation began, as if on cue, the bulk of the Allards, most with no tops, rolled out together in a rush to reach the safety of their trailers before the sky’s opened up in earnest.  Several of us got a bit damp on the drive back but managed to load cars before the downpours really started.

Allard owners are very widely dispersed making gatherings difficult to organize. Cars and owners traveled from at least six states and Canada to attend Hilton Head. All in all, the consensus was it was a delightful weekend of Allard camaraderie with many new acquaintances made. There is some preliminary discussion of a gathering next fall in Rhode Island. Stay tuned for that and more.


  1.   Terrell Underwood, L, Club Crescent Award

  2. Jere Krieg, M1

  3. Frank Rubino, M1, Concours Palmetto Award and Club Crescent Award

  4. Jim Stec, P1

  5. Peter Bowman, K2, Club Crescent Award

  6. John Barrett, J2X, Concours Palmetto Award

  7. Brad Marsland, K3, Concours Best in Class

  8. Jed Rapoport, K2

  9. Mark Moskowitz, K3

  10. Pete Zimmerman, K2, Club Crescent Award

  11. Jim Keck, K2

  12. Jim Netterstrom, J2X, Club Top Allard

  13. Louis Fantacone, Palm Beach

Hilton Head Concours – November 2 – 4, 2018


Jere Krieg is in the process of setting up a 2018 Allard event for the Hilton Head Concours ( Jere had a very successful event last year in conjunction with the Keeneland Concours in Kentucky, and he has decided that the Hilton Head event will be a suitable follow-up event for this year. He is in the process of setting up hotel and dining accommodations in Hilton Head, South Carolina for the Allard entrants.

The tentative schedule is as follows:

Friday, November 2: A driving tour, starting with a breakfast and finishing with a lunch. In the evening, there will be a “Hanger Bash” at the Hilton Head airport. Both the lunch and dinner are charity events, put on by the Concours.

Saturday, November 3: A car club display of various classic automobiles, including a separate grouping for the Allards. That evening, there will be an Allard dinner, which Jere will set up.

Sunday, November 4: The Hilton Head Concours. There will be a separate Allard class - possibly two (racing and street Allards) - provided there are sufficient entrants for both. The Concours concludes at 4 PM.

Entry forms should be available shortly. Please let Jere know if you are interested in attending. He can be reached at 865-755-3099, or . It is very important to let Jere know, as soon as possible, of your interest, so he can make suitable arrangements.

Andy Picariello reports it also may be possible to arrange for a dedicated transport of our Allards from New England region, provided that we can get a full trailer-load. Please contact Andy at for details.

Andy knows some of the key people running this Concours from his experience with the Amelia Island Concours in 2011. He is confident that this event will be very worthwhile for us to participate, and is familiar with the area and the many attractions that it provides. November at Hilton Head provides very comfortable temperatures, and is outside of the normal tourist season.